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PCI PTS PED versions | Banking terminal lifecycle

comment régler l'heure

How do you set the time on your POS machine?

Chèques-Vacances Digitalisés sur un terminal de paiement

Digital holiday vouchers on a payment terminal

Comment accompagner un éditeur de logiciel Belge dans un projet en France ?

How do I accept payments at a recharging point with a bank terminal?

Sécurité des données au coeur des transactions

P2PE: Data Security at the Heart of Transactions


How do you configure ticket printing on your electronic payment terminal?

Qu'est-ce que MyPM

MyPM: Planet Monetic’s new “hat” application

TPE avec application FVR6

Pax Technology autonomous payment application

Paiement en mobilité : découvrez à travers notre étude de cas comment proposer une solution de paiement en mobilité depuis une tablette ou un smartphone

How to propose a mobility payment solution from a Tablet/Smartphone?

Prendre la main à distance avec Airviewer

AirViewer – Take remote control of your Android EPT, mPOS and POS machines

Gérer les terminaux avec le Maxstore

Maxstore – The management tool for your Android POS machines

Étude de cas : comment mettre à jour les cartes vitales sur un terminal de paiement ?

How do I update the carte vitale on an POS machine?

How can I update my carte vitale on an POS machine? Who is this solution aimed at? What are the advantages of this Android POS terminal? We’ve tried to answer all these questions through a case study.

Étude de cas : comment optimiser la gestion des paiements de proximité ?

How can we optimise the management of proximity payments?

Étude de cas : comment encaisser sur une borne avec un terminal bancaire intégré ?

How do I cash in at a kiosk with an integrated bank terminal?

acceptation des pourboires par carte bancaire

Simplifying the acceptance of tips by bank card

Discover the new tip management option integrated directly into your Android payment terminals. It’s a simple, practical and innovative solution. It saves time and increases employee loyalty.

NEPTOO : consultation des transactions et télécollectes depuis le TPE

NEPTOO: view transactions and remote collections from the POS machine

paiement marketplace

How do I choose my marketplace payment solution?

Do you know how to choose the right payment solution for your marketplace?
When you want to launch your marketplace, in most cases the transactions are managed by a Payment Service Provider (PSP). But how do you choose your PSP?

Étude de cas : comment mettre en place une solution cashless lors d'un événement ?

How to set up a CASHLESS solution during an event?

How do you set up a CASHLESS solution? Who is this solution aimed at? What equipment is compatible? What are the advantages of installing this solution? We have tried to answer all these questions through a case study.

Étude de cas : comment encaisser sur un automate avec un TPA tout en un ?

How can I cash in at a cash machine with an all-in-one POS?

How can I cash in at a cash machine with an all-in-one POS? To which activity sector does the service speak with? We have tried to answer all of these questions through the expertise of a study case.

Étude de cas : comment visualiser les transactions monétiques sans changer de matériel ?

How to take deposits from a POS machine

Étude de cas : comment mettre en place une solution de paiement mobile et dématérialisée ?

how to setup a dematerialised mobile payment solution?

How do you set up a dematerialised mobile payment solution? Who is this solution aimed at? How can we improve the quality of work for restaurant waiters? We have tried to answer all these questions through an expert case study.

Étude de cas : comment accepter les cartes de fidélité sur un terminal de paiement ?

How do I accept a loyalty cards on a payment terminal

How do I accept loyalty cards on a payment terminal? What equipment is compatible? How can I reduce the amount of equipment needed to read loyalty cards? How can loyalty card reading be optimised? Discover our case study.

Étude de cas : comment visualiser les transactions monétiques sans changer de matériel ?

How to visualize the monetic transactions without changing your equipment?

Logiciel de santé pour TPE Android

Vitajour® – Health software for Android POS

Comparatif entre la monétique autonome et la monétique centralisée

Comparison between autonomous and centralised monetic systems

Interview team planet

Planet Team | Cédric Berard interview

Les TPE Tetra Ingenico passent en mode wifi intégré

Tetra Ingenico POS terminals switch to integrated wifi mode

Film de protection pour terminaux bancaires

Anti-viral and anti-bacterial health protection film for mPos machines

Film de protection pour terminaux bancaires

Self-healing protective films for bank terminals

paiement en sans contact

Contactless payment or NFC: How does it work?

remettre en service son terminal de paiement

How do I get my payment terminal back into service?

Interview team planet

Planet Team | Florent Boniface interview

éditer un duplicata de ticket CB

How do I issue a duplicate bankcard customer, merchant or remote collection ticket?

Film de protection pour terminaux bancaires

Protective film for mPOS machines

Paiement sans contact

Contactless ceiling raised to €50 in France

Ingenico Tetra

T-Connect – Take remote control of your banking terminals

choisir l'impression du ticket client

Choose whether or not to print the customer ticket on the POS machine

Interview team planet

Planet Team | Béatrice Pouillon interview

Presse : paiement dématérialisé gagne du terrain

Press – Paperless payment gains ground

Nexo, nouveau standard du paiement par cartes en Europe

Nexo, the new payment standard with credit cards in Europe

PLBS - Logiciel TPE pour la gestion de la caution

PLBS – POS machine software for the monitoring and caution

Le figaro économie : Planet Monetic expert du service monétique

Le Figaro économie – Planet Monetic, the expert in monetic services

Cashless - Dématérialisez le paiement pour vos événements

Cashless – Electronic payment for your events

Norme remparts

Planet Monetic awarded the REMPARTS certification!

Exigence sécuritaire STCA 2 et TLS1.2

The new STCA 2 and TLS1.2 (SHA 2) security requirements

Ingenico Axium D7 - L’encaissement et le paiement réunis

Ingenico Axium D7 – Collection and payment combined

Pourquoi choisir un mini boitier de paiement mobile et compact ?

Why choose a compact mini mobile payment device?

Agrément Systèmes d'Acceptation CB du sans contact

CB contactless acceptance systems approval

Le plafond du paiement sans contact à 30,00€

Contactless payment limit raised to €30.00

A cash register application integrated directly into the POS machine

La fin du branchement RTC

The end of the STN connection

Fin de vie des TPE Ingenico Telium 1

End of life of Ingenico POS Machine Telium 1

Planet Monetic sur BFM Business

Planet Monetic at BFM Business

Bornes de paiement

Payment terminals, kiosks and vending machines

Interview team planet

Planet Team | Roger Lacroix interview

Read the interview with a member of Team Planet. Today, Roger Lacroix, Head of IT and Storage.

raccourcis TPE Ingenico

Top 10 of Ingenico POS machine shortcuts

Alipay - l'émergence d'un nouveau moyen de paiement

Alipay – The new growing payment method

Cash Back - Retirez de l’argent chez les commerçants

Cash Back – Withdraw money from retailers

paiement sans contact

How to activate contactless payment on a POS machine?

Interview team planet

Planet Team | Jérémy Navarette interview

Logiciels de caisse certifiés NF525

Cash register software certified NF525

Interview team planet

Planet Team | Edouard Gubien interview

Terminal de paiement portable mPOS

Compact mobile payment terminal – mPOS

Sirha 2017

SIRHA 2017

Liaisons TPE

The different monetic subscriptions

Apple Pay MAJ CLESS - Bulletin 12 V3

Apple Pay CLESS Update – Bulletin 12 V3


New contactless POS machines

TPE ATEX pour la sécurité en stations services

ATEX POS for service station safety


The new range of Ingenico Tetra

Liaisons TPE

The different types of POS connections

This article explains the different types of POS machine. It’s important to understand how the POS machine works with the bank, as well as the POS machine with its cradle and additional devices.

logiciels TPE

The different POS machines softwares

Les différents types de terminaux bancaires

The different types of POS machines

Contrat monétique

What is a monetic contract?

Qu'est ce qu'un terminal de paiement électronique et comment fonctionne t-il ?

What is an electronic payment terminal (EPT) and how does it work?

solution monétique centralisée

The basics of monetic