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PCI PTS PED versions | Banking terminal lifecycle

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How do you set the time on your POS machine?


How do you configure ticket printing on your electronic payment terminal?

paiement marketplace

How do I choose my marketplace payment solution?

Do you know how to choose the right payment solution for your marketplace?
When you want to launch your marketplace, in most cases the transactions are managed by a Payment Service Provider (PSP). But how do you choose your PSP?

remettre en service son terminal de paiement

How do I get my payment terminal back into service?

éditer un duplicata de ticket CB

How do I issue a duplicate bankcard customer, merchant or remote collection ticket?

choisir l'impression du ticket client

Choose whether or not to print the customer ticket on the POS machine

raccourcis TPE Ingenico

Top 10 of Ingenico POS machine shortcuts

paiement sans contact

How to activate contactless payment on a POS machine?

Contrat monétique

What is a monetic contract?

solution monétique centralisée

The basics of monetic