Top 10 of Ingenico POS machine shortcuts

You will find in this article a selection of shortcuts that are easy to use for a Ingenico POS machine.

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Below is a list of the most frequently used Ingenico TPE shortcuts:

  • F.1: Edits the Status ticket with the list of software and the status of the POS memory.
  • F.2: Allows you to print transaction totals for all direct debits.
  • F.4: Edits the hardware configuration ticket (e.g. contactless compatible or not).
  • F.10: Used to launch the TME download
  • F.12: Used to set the POS machine’s date and time
  • F.17: Used to configure the pinpad
  • F.19: Display the serial number on screen
  • F.20: Used to configure the POS network type
  • F.21: Used to configure the cash desk link
  • F.22: Used to configure the POS TMS parameters

To edit the last of all the shortcuts, simply press: F.0

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