Le figaro économie - Planet Monetic, the expert in monetic services

Planet Monetic has been awarded the REMPARTS label, introduced by the GIE Cartes Bancaires and certified by PayCert. Read what Laurent Pouillon, Managing Partner, and Dany Riegel, Managing Director of Web Monétique, have to say.

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Planet Monetic, a company specialising in white brand maintenance, has been awarded the REMPARTS certification. The company’s development has been based on three main pillars: new offices (1,400 m², secured with badge access and video surveillance), an in-depth reorganisation of internal processes and the ability to operate throughout metropolitan France.

To qualify for this label, distributors will have to use companies that have already been awarded the label when they put out their call for tenders. In other words, this label makes it possible to identify the monetic operators in France, to secure bank terminals in the event of massive fraud and to ensure their traceability, from manufacture to disposal.

Our intervention

Planet Monetic works with monetic resellers who do not hold the REMPARTS label, such as Web Monétique, who have expressed their complete satisfaction with the partnership.

Dany Riegel, a developer by training, found everything he needed in their partnership (assistance, maintenance, advice) to increase his sales by 4 times and envisage 10 times more. Web Monétique also plans to launch a cashless solution in September, with the installation of recharging points. Despite the standardisation of the autonomy of the payment process, Planet Monetic is working with software publishers to make their solutions compatible with payment terminals.

Laurent Pouillon intends to continue providing support (services, maintenance, offers) to his electronic payment resellers, and to offer new electronic payment services through a constant technological watch.

Source: Le Figaro

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