How to propose a mobility payment solution from a Tablet/Smartphone?

Who is this solution aimed at? How can I offer fast, easy payment? What are the advantages of smartphone payment? What hardware is compatible?

We have tried to answer all these questions through an expert case study.

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Needs analysis

Our partner is a software publisher who has developed software dedicated to building and civil engineering contractors. Its customer is a plumbing/heating maintenance company.

Problems encountered

However, when these employees work on site, payment is made long after the work has been completed, resulting in a large number of unpaid bills. To reduce unpaid bills, the end customer wanted to equip its on-site technicians with a payment solution. They are equipped with professional smartphones.

Bringed answer

The publisher’s software solution is responsive. So we suggested that they integrate electronic payment into their software, to equip their on-site technicians with a small, compact and lightweight payment device called mPOS. Connected to smartphones via Bluetooth, it can accept all Credit card/Credit Card CLESS transactions and accept mobile payments.

This offer enables you to:

• Secure cash collections (theft/loss/fraud)
• View all transactions and discounts on the portal
• Dematerialise all tickets (customer ticket sent by e-mail)
• Retain a standard commission rate (electronic payment contract provided by the bank)

Thanks to this installation, the end customer has reduced outstanding payments by almost 30%!



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