Planet Team | Roger Lacroix interview

Read the interview with a member of Team Planet. Today, Roger Lacroix, Head of IT and Storage.

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Roger, introduce yourself in a few words!

At the start of my career I had more of an “IT” profile. My first major experience (10 years) was in the IT department of Mikava in Saint Chamond. For a change of scenery, I had the opportunity to move to the island of Saint-Berthélemy

When I got back to mainland France, I joined Fauriel Informatique, a service proivder for the bank “Casse d’Epargne”. At that time I met Laurent Pouillon, who was doing a sandwich course. Those were my fiest steps in the monetic sector.

A few years later, when my company went bankrupt, I got back in touch with Laurent Pouillon. He had set up Planet Monetic with Sebastien Beraud and asked me to join them on the logistics side, so I joined Planet Monetic in 2012.

What are your responsabilities at Planet Monetic?

There are currently two of us working full-time in the Logistics department

Our missions are varied and diverse:

  • Receiving parcels every day (returns, standard exchanges, etc.).
  • Preparing and dispatching new orders
  • Checking stock levels to avoid stock shortages.
  • Purchasing consumables (thermal rollers) and spare parts (cables, batteries, etc.).

We are in constant contact with the carriers (morning and evening) and the preparation department

Quelle est ta journée type ?

Every morning when we arrive, we log on to our VISIO order-tracking software to see which orders have arrived (LINK TO PRODUCT see: interview with Edouard Gubien). Then we have to check the equipment for incoming and outgoing orders, depending on the equipment stock held by our various reseller customers. To do this, we’re in direct contact with the repairs and sales departments.

We also have to follow up parcels with carriers to check that our orders have reached our customers. At the end of the day, we have to deal with all the carriers who come to collect the day’s orders.

In addition to this typical day, we have to deal with all the contingencies and unforeseen events associated with orders, deliveries and

What’s your favourite part of your job?

The variety of tasks, between receiving and sending parcels, you never have time to get bored. I’d also say the mobility, with the new premises linked to the REMPARTS standard, I have to travel several kilometres a day. That’s one way of keeping fit!

On the other hand, I have to say that storage and inventory are not my passion. It’s perfectly managed by my colleague Estelle, who takes care of rotating inventories for all our customers, so we can keep track of any stock discrepancies…

What’s your favourite meal?

I’m obliged to say the freshly caught Langoustes, cooked on the Barbecue. It’s a delicacy that I discovered during my years in Saint-Barthélemy. I’ve never known a better dish!

What’s your favourite hobbies?

I like simple pleasures, so a good restaurant from time to time doesn’t hurt. A good movie is nice too.

Do you have a message for our readers?

I hope they’re happy with our responsiveness, especially when it comes to delivering orders, and that the equipment arrives well packaged and in its entirety!

Who would you like to see in the next Newsletter?

I’d like our readers to meet our administrative and financial manager, Béatrice POUILLON

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