Planet Team | Béatrice Pouillon interview

Read the interview with a member of Team Planet. Today, we’re talking to Béatrice Pouillon, who is in charge of the Sales and Marketing department and the Accounting and Finance department.

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Béatrice Pouillon, Chief Financial Officer

Béatrice, introduce yourself in a few words!

Basically, I have a master’s degree in Biology and I was going to work in forensics. Then, in 2004, I had the opportunity to work for a few months as an administrative assistant at Planet Monetic, which was just starting up. Moreover, I really enjoyed the work and decided to take a fast-track course in accounting at the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Finally, in 2006, I was hired at full-time. My job has evolved over the years with the company and today I’m Administrative and Financial Director and Head of Sales Administration.

What are your responsabilities at Planet Monetic?

Today, I’m in charge of the company’s Sales and Marketing and Accounting and Finance departments. We’re a team of 6 people. I prepare the invoices in collaboration with our chartered accountant and I draw up the N+1 forecasts. I also manage Human Resources for the company’s 27 employees.

What do you like about your job?

On the one hand, I like spotting errors, resolving them and implementing a process to avoid making them again next time. On the other hand, I’m in constant contact with the sales team to monitor customer accounts. Last but not least, I’m a keen researcher and investigator – that’s where my forensics side comes out! (sic)

Personally, do you use contactless payment?

I was quite reluctant at first, like all new technologies, but then one day a shopkeeper offered it to me. I was in a hurry, so I thought why not! Since then, as soon as I can, I do it, and I have to admit that it’s very quick and practical.

Do you use your mobile phone to pay?

No, although my credit card is set up with the banking application on my phone. It seems to me that we attach too much importance to the use and ‘excesses’ of mobile phones.

What’s your favourite meal?

I love potatoes in all their forms…

What are your hobbies?

Watching TV series clears my head, reading a detective novel and getting away for a weekend or more whenever I can…

Do you have a message for our readers?

Our service is always available to answer all your administrative questions. Don’t hesitate to contact us by e-mail or telephone. For my part, I’m always available to listen to employees. If they have the slightest question, they can always come and see me…

Who would you like to see in the next newsletter?

I’d like to introduce our customers to Florent Boniface, expert technician in the Resellers and Key Accounts unit.


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